After settling in Seattle I was dead-set on finishing some projects that have been a long time coming. For example, this August my husband and I will celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary and we had yet to get photos printed of our big day. Growing up, I loved looking at my parents wedding album (not too mention a gillion other family albums) and its just something I wanted to do. It’s been sitting, uncrossed off on my list. We have gorgeous photos thanks to our friends Kelly and Kyle (Hi guys!), who drove to Montana to shoot the epic event, so it was high time I made an album. THE PROBLEM WAS I COULDN’T CHOOSE – SO NOW I HAVE TWO, 300 PHOTO ALBUMS TO DOCUMENT EVERY LOVELY MOMENT WE HAD UNDER THE BIG SKY. Next, also wedding related, were the 4 dozen or so quilt squares we had guests sign at our wedding. The idea was that I would make a quilt with these squares and with the fabric left over from the 300 or so napkins I made for the big day in coordinating colors. Had I ever made a quilt before? No. Crazy? Yes, that’s me! I’ve sewn just about everything else though, so I was confident I could figure it out. THE GOOD NEWS IS, THE QUILT IS MORE THAN HALF COMPLETE. JUST A ROW A DAY, I SAY. Here are some images of the progress. Prior to the wedding I’d hand-stitched the middle piece and I have to say, it’s my favorite part, along with the sweet, funny and sentimental notes from friends and family. I get a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing that our favorite people have touched and helped make this quilt the beauty that it is. I am looking forward to cuddling up and watching movies with this quilt and building forts with our kids someday. Also in the photos is my rock-solid Singer sewing machine from the 1940’s. I love this beast. It’s what I’ve used for pretty much everything – including the items for sale on this site! There is not a piece of plastic on it. It sews through anything. It’s simple. It’s beautiful. The silver-inlay detail, exposed belt, hum of the motor, and sporadic little power light make me grin. It was passed down to me from a friend of the family and along with the Singer my grandmother gave me…
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